Magical Thinking Vs. Positive Thinking


For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to understand what I believe and how that belief came to be. One of the areas that I repeatedly came back to was things around the Law of Attraction.

I’ve seen a lot of things writing this off as “magical thinking”. I went through a whole process within myself to really think through this and what I repeatedly came to was, there isn’t magical about it. Like attract likes. You receive what you believe. You can change your perspective. I can understand why it seems like magical thinking if you believe people are sitting around going money, money, money, and then believing they get money. No, that’s not how it works and yes, that would be silly.

What it actually is is understanding that you’ll get what you think about because that’s what you’ll look for. If you’re standing outside looking for a car, you have a much better chance of seeing the car because you believe it’s coming. If you’re looking for a truck when it’s really a car, chances are you’re going to miss the car. It’s perspective.

Also, there is tons of action involved. The difference is waiting for the right action to take instead of forcing things. And it’s easier to know that you’ll know the right action to take if you believe you will.

I think a lot of people have a hard time grasping this because a lot of people are caught up in negative thinking cycles and don’t think they have any control over it.

You do.

If you told yourself right now “I’m happy. I feel good,” no matter what was going on in your life, you’d feel your mood shift to happiness. That isn’t magic. It’s science.

Our minds are beyond powerful. You can change your subconscious mind to think what you want it to instead of playing negative loops over and over again. Use that to your benefit. No pixie dust (I almost wrote pixel…hmmm, it’s pixie right?) needed.